Surf Zone
7'0 HS Atelier Cruiser Teal
SKILL LEVEL - Beginner to Intermediate
The Cruiser is handcrafted for beginner to intermediate level surfers, which is precisely why we’ve upped the volume and overall dims in order to make them user-friendly. If you lean more toward the beginner level, go with the higher-volume shape—you’ll catch waves easier.
CONDITIONS – Easier Conditions
The Cruiser is an everyday model designed to catch a variety of waves in non-threatening conditions. The full-volumed design easily catches waves and generates speed down the line at your local beach break—or at any other wave where you’d like to cruise.
From soft beach breaks to user-friendly reefs and points, the Cruiser’s wider nose planshape helps you to glide through sections and draw stylish lines at any location where it’s ideally less than overhead-high.